Why is Winter the Best Time to Get a Tattoo?
Posted on June 16 2015
Summer is the season that the majority of us tend to get a new tattoo. Tattoo studios see an increase in the number of customers walking through their doors and the warm weather provides ample opportunity to show the new piece off. So why is it that tattoo artists are saying the best time to get a tattoo is in the winter?
Tattoo artists admit that during the winter months they see fewer people coming through their doors for tattoos. Why? Because when it’s cold and miserable people just want to wrap up and stay warm. The summer however proves to be the complete opposite. With plenty of opportunity to wear less clothing and show off more skin it’s only natural that you should want to get your tattoo then.
When you get a tattoo the first thing you want to do is show it off to your friends, family, neighbours and even passers-by on the street. It’s comforting receiving positive feedback about your tattoo and it feels good to know that your art work is being noticed. During the winter it’s more difficult to show off your tattoo and the thought of keeping it hidden for so long is something that some of us just can’t do. Getting a tattoo is an exciting process and showing it off to the world is all part of the fun.

Although the personal benefits and gratification of getting a tattoo in the summer are great, the health benefits aren’t. Exposing your tattoo can make it vulnerable to various environmental elements that can interfere with its healing. The biggest threat to your tattoo in the summer is the sun. Its UV rays can have an effect on the ink and cause it to fade. Aside from that it is likely that when you are hot you will sweat, this can cause the scab of your tattoo to become moist which can slow down the healing process. Other factors that may affect your tattoo through exposure is dust and dirt which can irritate the tattoo whilst healing.
During the winter a tattoo is less likely to be exposed to the above elements as you are more likely to be covered up and less likely to sweat. The cool dry air that comes with winter is believed to be better for the tattoo as it dries it out quickly allowing it to heal quickly. Having said all of this it doesn’t mean that you should now never get a tattoo during the summer. Just bear in mind what has been said and providing you look after it properly by protecting if from the sun, your tattoo should heal just fine.
A new tattoo should be treated as a wound to prevent it from becoming infected. You may not look at it like a wound but after having needles penetrate the skin over and over it most definitely is a wound. The skin is broken, bleeding has occurred and scabbing will come. Keep your tattoo well protected and ensure that you follow aftercare instructions given to you by your tattoo artist.
About Emma Clark, Author of “Why is Winter The Best Time to Get a Tattoo?”: Emma Clark is a keen writer who is passionate about tattoos and piercings. She currently writes for Barber DTS Netherlands, suppliers of tattoo and piercing equipment.
Photo Credits:
“Winter is Best for Tattoos” – Winter Is Coming via photopin (license)
“Getting a Tattoo in Winter” – Ramspott via photopin (license)