Tat2X Interview with Chico Tattoo Artist Jackie Rabbit
Posted on April 08 2016

Tat2x: How long have you been involved in the tattoo business?
Jackie Rabbit: I started working at a studio as a shop girl in 1999 when I was 14.
Tat2X: What made you decide to become a tattoo artist?
Jackie Rabbit: I found out that archeologists only get to play with dinosaur bones and I had no hope of having a pet Velociraptor… Also I learned “Vampire” is not an actual job.
Tat2x: How did you learn the art of tattooing? Did you apprentice?
Jackie Rabbit: Yes I had a very traditional apprenticeship. I apprenticed under Gerry Beckerman at Ozark Ink in a little town in southern Missouri.
Tat2x: Are there any artists tattoos or otherwise that you admire?
Jackie Rabbit: The first artists to really inspire me were Joe Capobianco and Paul Booth. These days I really enjoy following the work of Paul Acker, Alex Poncho and Barbora Sharuzen Gazurova. There are many other that I follow online but those definitely stick out.

Tat2x: Has any individual in particular influenced your career?
Jackie Rabbit: First and foremost I give all glory to Great Lord Cthulhu.
Tat2x: What would you say is your favorite part of the job?
Jackie Rabbit: I’ve had many clients that turn to tattoos to deal with their body issues and also to fix/cover bad tattoos that make them not feel good about their bodies. It is a special moment when the work is done and they feel beautiful again…comfortable in their own skin. I have had clients with body dysmorphic disorder and clients using tattoos to reclaim their bodies as part of their recovery from abuse. It feels amazing to be a part of that healing process.
Tat2x: How would you describe your style? Is there a style you prefer or enjoy?
Jackie Rabbit: I really like anything organic. Creepy organic stuff when possible. I like black and grey but color can be a lot of fun too. I would say my two favorite things to tattoo are skulls and trees. I very much like the dark creepy stuff… It’s a little more visceral.

Tat2x: What’s the most unusual request for a tattoo design you have ever had?
Jackie Rabbit: I once tattooed a John Deer tractor logo on a man’s penis…. So there’s that!
Tat2x: Do you have any advice for aspiring artists tattoo or otherwise?
Jackie Rabbit: Get a real job.
Tat2x: What kind of music do you like to listen to?
Jackie Rabbit: It’s pretty eclectic. I would say my top bands right now are Puscifer, Nine Inch Nails, Tom Waits , Wumpscut, Orgy, and Tool.
Tat2x: What are your favorite foods?
Jackie Rabbit: I try to eat healthy but it doesn’t always go so well. For the sake of other people reading this while deciding what kind of food they should give me I will say smoked meats and baked goods.

Tat2x: What do you do to relax when you’re not at the studio?
Jackie Rabbit: When I’m not at work I’m spending time with my husband and 10 year old daughter. When the weather is good we like going on hikes and studying Trailcraft. We also like to read a lot and other even less interesting things. If I had anything approaching a hobby I would say its cooking and baking.
Tat2x: Is there anything else we should know about you or your studio?
Jackie Rabbit: I work at Eye of Jade Tattoo in Chico, California. I’ve been there for almost 2 years now and it’s definitely the best and most fun shop I’ve ever been in. It has won Best of Chico for many years running and it is well deserved. The other artists that work there are a varied bunch with many different skill sets. The owner Ben Lucas has made an effort to fill his shop with artists that specialize in every style imaginable so that each client can be paired up with the artist that is best suited to what they are looking for. That way the client gets the best work possible and each artist gets to do the particular type of work they love. Hands down the best, most fun supportive, humble, cohesive bunch of folks I’ve ever worked with.
More About Chico Tattoo Artist Jackie Rabbit:
Jackie Rabbit: I like to think I’m pretty normal and laid back… Don’t take life too seriously! To see more of Haverhill tattoo artist Jackie Rabbit inspiring work you can visit:
• Jackie Rabbit Instagram
• Jackie Rabbit Website
• Jackie Rabbit Facebook